STEM Play and Learn (Summer Home Visiting Programme)

STEM Play and Learn Summer Home Visiting Programme is a fun learning through play opportunity for children aged 4-6 years living in Dublin’s docklands and North-East Inner City.

About the Programme
STEM Play and Learn Summer Programme is a fun learning-through-play opportunity for children aged 4-6 years living in Dublin’s docklands and North-East Inner City. The programme will take place for 4-6 weeks over July and August. It is designed to promote and encourage the children’s educational and well-being needs through regular home visits and suitable STEM materials. For the play sessions, the families will be provided with a wide variety of appropriate toys and books.
The Role of the Home Visitor
Each week a trained Home Visitor will make contact with your family in person. The visits will take place indoors or outdoors and it would last for up to one hour. Our Home Visitor will support you to build parenting skills and confidence in supporting your child's holistic development with an emphasis on education and wellbeing. 
Contact Us
If you would like further information about the STEM Play & Learn Summer Home Visiting Programme, please contact: Programme Coordinator, Ramona Mihalka  (086) 7965548 or