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Springboard+ Online Sample Class: Computing Specialisations

Event date: 08/07/2024 18:00 - 20:00 Export to calendar

National College of Ireland will host a live online event on Monday July 8th from 6pm-8pm focusing on the Higher Diploma in Science in Computing. This event will be hosted by Regina Dunne, Education & Training Adviser, and Dr Shivani Jaswal, Assistant Professor in Computing, who will present a sample online class. Our Springboard+ Team will also be available to answer any questions you have around eligibility for Springboard+ funding and the application process.

It will be a live session where you will have the opportunity to experience the online classroom and ask any questions you may have regarding any of the following Springboard+ or HCI courses.

The session will be split into 2 parts: 

  • 6pm-7pm: Open Q&A session on all aspects of the course (you can join in at any stage for this session)
  • 7pm-8pm: Taster class by Dr Shivani Jaswal on the Higher Diplomas in Computing

About Springboard+ & HCI

Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiative (HCI) allows NCI to offer courses for free, or at a reduced cost, to fill the skills shortages in Ireland.

The courses available through this programme are offered free of charge for people who are currently unemployed. For applicants in employment, there will be a fee of 10% of the normal course fee. Visit our Springboard+ page for further information on the scheme. 

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing

We offer the following computing specialisation programmes through Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiative:


Software Development

Web Development

Artificial Intelligence


More Springboard+ Events

If you are unable to join us for this event, we have more Springboard+ events taking place this summer which be of interest to you, details are shown below:

Springboard+ Online Sample Class: Computing Specialisations

Springboard+ Online Sample Class: Data Analytics

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