The Kelly Theatre has been brimming with excitement this week as ELI celebrated the Doodle Den Graduation Ceremonies!
As part of the Area-Based Childhood (ABC) Programme, and part funded by the NEIC, the Early Learning Initiative delivers the Doodle Den Programme across several sites in Dublin Inner City. Doodle Den is an after-school literacy programme targeted at children aged 5 to 6 years of age in Senior Infants. The programme focuses on improving children’s literacy through a wide range of activities such as games, phonics, art, drama, independent and shared reading, and physical activity.
On June 12th and 13th, 2024, the Doodle Den Graduation Ceremonies marked the achievements of those who successfully completed the programme. Prof. Jimmy Hill, Vice President of National College of Ireland, welcomed the children and their families to the Kelly Theatre where they were applauded and presented with their certificates and Doodle Den t-shirts. The excitement in the room was unmatched. The children were delighted, and it was fantastic to see them so happy. Following the ceremonies, the children and their families enjoyed STEM activities and refreshments in the atrium. The cherry on top was the artwork that was displayed outside the doors of the Kelly Theatre. Everyone got the chance to see the brilliant drawings that the children created. A treat for all!

Six schools were celebrated in total across these two graduation days. NCI proudly congratulates the Doodle Den students of Gardiner Street,
Scoil Chaoimhín, St. Vincent’s GNS, Rutland Street, Gardiner Street, and St. Laurence O Toole. We also want to thank and applaud the dedicated ELI staff and the facilitators of the Doodle Den Programme. The work they do with these children and their families is so important, and it is at great events like graduations where all the hard work and dedication from staff members can be very visibly seen. Doodle Den involves three after-school sessions per week, with each session lasting 1.5 hours, operating throughout the normal school year, over a 32-week period.
The programme was developed by CDI Tallaght, is evidence-based and manualised. It includes a strong child, parent and family component. Parents are encouraged to attend 6 parent information sessions over the year, and there are also 3 family sessions. The feedback from teachers has been overwhelmingly positive.
If you missed it, Jennifer Pinson, Doodle Den Coordinator, chatted to Mary Oyediran on Near FM all about this highly anticipated graduation as well as explaining more about what Doodle Den is and why the programme is so crucial to children and their families. You can tune in at your leisure by listening to the Near FM Listen Again Podcast.
For more information about the Doodle Den programme, visit About Doodle Den on the NCI website.