Discover University is a summer programme held in NCI every June that aims to give young people aged 14-17 the opportunity to experience a taste of life at NCI and to see college as part of their future.
This year, the programme will run ONLINE from Monday 21st June - Friday 25th June 2021, with a face-to-face outdoor activity on Saturday 26th June.
Students may apply to one of our four core subject areas of Business, Computing, Early Childhood Education and Care, and Psychology. They learn about their chosen subject throughout the week, through groupwork and lectures. Students are mentored and supported by NCI faculty, staff, and team leaders, who are current NCI students. The programme also includes virtual visits to exciting and innovative workplaces, as well as workshops, activities and guest speakers.
This year, the programme finishes with an online Graduation and Prize-giving Ceremony (Friday 25th June) and an outdoor, socially-distant activity and picnic in Dublin (Saturday 26th) to celebrate their achievements.
Discover University is free of charge and priority is given to young people going to school or living in inner city Dublin and Docklands areas.
For more information, please contact Educational Guidance Coordinator, Áine Kavanagh (086)4666413 or email:
How to apply
To apply, please fill out BOTH of the following forms by Friday June 11th 2021:
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