Procurement at NCI

Details of the procurement policies followed by NCI.

National College of Ireland (NCI), a company limited by guarantee with no share capital, is a private entity. NCI is part-funded from public funds in relation to some education programmes and related activities.  Although not a public sector body, it is NCI’s policy to apply the principles of Public Procurement Guidelines to the extent that it is practical & proportionate.  This includes the use of open tenders or direct invitation-to-tender where appropriate.  In all cases, NCI ensures that procurement is carried out on an open and objective basis with a view to achieving best value for money (price/quality ratio) in procuring the goods, works and services that will meet its needs and those of its students.  NCI will not engage in any activities with suppliers or service providers, which might be deemed to be anti-competitive. 

At all times, NCI applies the overriding ethical principles of probity, transparency and accountability to all procurement activities.