Should students encounter difficulties or concerns during their time in National College of Ireland, they have the option of raising a formal complaint.

Complaints Procedure

Outlined below is information on how students can raise a formal complaint and the process that follows after a complaint has been submitted. Please refer to the Student Complaints Policy for reference when submitting your formal complaint.

We have also provided links to Student Support services that we encourage students to engage with before making a formal complaint.

What do I do if I have a concern?

If you have a concern or an issue during your time at NCI, you should raise it as soon as possible with the relevant person responsible. You can raise your concern in person or by booking an individual online Microsoft Teams chat with the relevant person.

If you are unsure about who to direct your concern to or how to raise it, you can seek guidance from a Student Support Officer or a Student Representative from NCISU. While it is understood that you may feel upset or discouraged during this time, please keep in mind that the staff are there to help you and that it is important that you clearly outline your concern and your desired solution in a calm and collective manner.

How do I raise a complaint?

If you have exhausted all avenues at raising your concern at an informal level and are not satisfied with the outcome, you can raise a formal complaint.

You can raise a formal complaint to the Registrar by first completing the Student Complaints Form. You must ensure that you are concise and factual throughout your form and provide evidence where applicable. Once you have completed the form we will need you to send the form to

What happens after I have raised my complaint?

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours after you have submitted your form (excluding weekends/bank holidays where the learner would receive an acknowledgement the next working day after the weekend/bank holiday). You will receive confirmation of receipt with an outline of the next steps and estimated timeframe for investigation of no more than 15 working days.

What happens during the investigation process of my complaint?

Your complaint will be investigated and assessed by the relevant person/department. Depending on the nature of your complaint, this may be inspected by the appropriate Dean of School, Registrar/Director of Student Registry or a designated representative appointed by the Registrar.

Individual interviews may be conducted between you and the relevant investigator or third party. You may be accompanied by a Tutor, Student Support Officer, or Student Representative from NCISU.

Depending on the nature of your complaint, the investigation process is normally 15 working days (inclusive of the 48 hours acknowledgement). Any delays or updates will be communicated to you on the 15th working day at the latest.

Concluding your complaint investigation, you will receive a written response from the Registrar detailing the measures taken and what actions, if any, are to be taken.

What if I am unhappy about the outcome of my complaint?

If you feel your complaint was not correctly addressed, you can appeal the decision of the Registrar by submitting the Student Complaint Appeals form on the Student Hub directly to the Office of the President. The Appeals form must be sent within 10 working days of receiving the written complaint response.

You will receive an acknowledgement receipt within 48 hours after sending your form (excluding weekends/bank holidays where the learner would receive an acknowledgement the next working day after the weekend/bank holiday). It will also include the next steps outlined and any updates or delays will be communicated to you within 15 working days (inclusive of the 48 hours acknowledgement) post the acknowledgment receipt of your appeal complaints form.

The appeal of your complaint will be investigated by a neutral/independent member of the NCI Executive (that has not been involved in the case) appointed by the President or Vice-President.

Individual interviews may be conducted between you and the President or their investigator. You may be accompanied by a Tutor, Student Support Officer or Student Representative from NCISU.

A final written response will be issued and approved by the Registrar/Director of Student Registry will be concluded at the appeals investigation outlining the final measures and outcome. This will be communicated to you within 15 working days during the appeals investigation. Any expected delays post 15 working days will be communicated to you at the earliest convenience.

Post receiving the final written response, you are given 10 working days to respond and if not fully satisfied with the outcome, you may refer these matters to the Ombudsman.


If you have a concern, you should raise this informally with the relevant person as soon as possible. Depending on the nature of your concern, the matters should be resolved within an appropriate timeframe agreed with the relevant person.

If you wish to raise a formal complaint, you will receive an acknowledgment receipt within 48 hours (excluding weekends/bank holidays where the learner would receive an acknowledgement the next working day after the weekend/bank holiday) of sending your complaints form. The investigation process is 15 working days post the acknowledgment receipt confirmation after which you will receive a written response concluding the investigation. Any expected delays post 15 working days will be communicated to you at the earliest convenience. 

If you wish to appeal the decision of your complaint, you must do so within 10 working days of receiving the written response. You must complete the Appeals form within this timeframe. You will receive an acknowledgment receipt within 48 hours (excluding weekends/bank holidays where the learner would receive an acknowledgement the next working day after the weekend/bank holiday) of sending your Appeals form. The investigation process is 15 working days (inclusive of the 48 hours acknowledgment). Any expected delays post 15 working days will be communicated to you at the earliest convenience. 

The appeals investigation process is 15 working days post the acknowledgment receipt confirmation of your appeals complaint form after which you will receive a final written report concluding the appeals investigation. You are finally given 10 working days post receipt of the final written report to respond after which you may refer to the Ombudsman if you remain dissatisfied with the outcome. 

Policies & Documents

Student Support

NCI is committed to ensuring every student feels supported in as many ways as possible - practically, emotionally and academically. See below some of the support services available for students: