What is the SAF Student Emergency application?
The SAF Student Emergency application is available to assist full-time students who are experiencing unforeseen and immediate financial difficulties as a result of a once-off emergency event. Some of these may be homelessness, family bereavement or sudden loss of income.
Is there any financial help available for part-time students?
Part-time students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund if they meet the criteria.
I am a HEAR student, can I apply for the SAF?
All HEAR students will be asked to fill out a form and upload their HEAR letter as proof. If you meet the criteria, you will receive a once-off SAF payment. This payment is determined by the amount of HEAR students and funding NCI receives, therefore it is subject to change.
HEAR students who experience a financial emergency during the academic year can apply to SAF again.
Is there any financial help available for students with disabilities?
All registered NCI students who are struggling financially can apply for the Student Assistance Fund (SAF).
My circumstances have changed suddenly, what can I do?
You can contact saf@ncirl.ie for advice on the SAF or apply directly to the SAF for financial assistance.
I have reduced earnings due to COVID-19, can I apply for the SAF?
Students must meet the qualifying criteria; however the application process will take into account if there has been loss of earnings due to COVID-19.
Can I get help with my living expenses?
This may be possible. Please email saf@ncirl.ie for further information on the funding options and for advice.
Can I get help with my travel expenses?
The Student LEAP card is available which reduces travel costs. Other assistance may be possible from SAF.
Can I get help to pay for childcare?
All college related expenses can be considered for SAF (including childcare) so if you think you are eligible, you can apply to the SAF (read above for instructions on how to apply). You can also email saf@ncirl.ie for advice.
Can I get financial help for repeat exams?
None of the funding provided by the SAF can be used for the payment of fees. We may be able to help with the extra expenses related to repeat exams (i.e. loss of earnings, travel costs), you can also email saf@ncirl.ie for advice.
Can I get funding for a repeat year?
You may be able to apply to SUSI under Exceptional Circumstances for a repeat year, e.g. medical circumstances. You may be eligible for financial assistance during your repeat year if you meet the criteria, but the SAF cannot cover repeat tuition fees nor student loans.
How do I make an appointment to see the Student Engagement and Retention Officer?
To make an appointment, please email studentassistancefund@ncirl.ie and a team member can organise an appointment with you on Microsoft Teams.
Why might I need an appointment with the Student Engagement and Retention Officer?
To talk about money concerns, attendance and withdrawals.
What can I expect at a meeting?
A 10-15 minute chat giving guidance and advice. Please note that for the SAF, this will not be suitable for a full assessment for financial assistance.
Can I apply for the SAF without meeting with the Student Engagement and Retention officer?
You do not need to meet with the Student Engagement and Retention officer to apply for the SAF. You can meet if you need clarification or advice only.