Find out more about the keynote speakers at the upcoming UFHRD Conference, including the titles of their keynote speeches.

Keynote Speakers at UFHRD Conference 2023 Information on the 4 keynote speakers at the UFHRD Conference 2023.


Keynote Speakers

Professor Thomas Garavan

Thomas Garavan

Professor Thomas Garavan is Professor of Leadership Practice in CUBS, UCC and Visiting Research Professor, National College of Ireland, Dublin. He was recently listed in the Stanford University ScienceWide author citation indicators 2020 as one of the top 2% of academics in Economics and Business. In addition, he was ranked the top Irish Business and Management Researcher in Ireland by Research. com and 471 of 1500 business and management researchers worldwide in February 2022. He is a world leading expert in leadership development, learning and development and HRD. He published 185 journal articles, 16 books, 26 book chapters and 6 monographs. He has published extensively in the leading HRD journals including HRDQ, HRDR, ADHR, HRDI and HRDI. He has also published extensively in the top four HRM journals: HRM (US) HRMJ, Personnel Review and IJHRM.

In addition, he has published extensively in management journals including: International Journal of Management Reviews. European Management Review, Journal of Business Research, Tourism Management, Information Technology and People, International Small Business Journal, Thunderbird International Review, Journal of Sleep Research and Business Ethics: A European Review. His most recent book publications include Learning and Development in Organizations: A Systems-Informed Model of Effectiveness (Palgrave), Strategic Human Resource Management (Oxford University Press), Handbook of International Human Resource Development (Edward Elgar) and Global Human Resource Development (Routledge). He is co-editor of European Journal of Training and Development and Associate Editor of Personnel Review and is a member of the HRDQ, HRDI, HRDR, ADHR, HRMJ, International Journal of Training and Development and International Journal of Human Resource Management.

He has extensive teaching experience with undergraduate, post-graduate and post experience students in addition to executive education and leadership development. He was elected to the Hall of Fame of the Academy of Human Resource Development, USA in 2021 and has won numerous awards for publication and journal editing.

Title of Keynote: HRD in a VUCA, World: Implications for Research and Practice.

Professor Alma McCarthy

Professor Alma McCarthy

Professor Alma McCarthy is Head of the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics and Professor of Public Sector Management at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her research interests include public sector leadership and human resource development, training, work-life balance, and 360º feedback. Alma’s publications include: articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as Public Administration Review, Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Advances in Developing Human Resources, and the Journal of Managerial Psychology; commissioned reports; papers at national and international conferences; and co-authored books and several chapters in edited books. Her research has influenced national civil service talent development policy and the Government’s national remote working strategy. She is a Chartered Member of the CIPD, the American Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, and served as elected Vice-Chair and Chair of the Irish Academy of Management. She is an accredited member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and certified to administer a broad range of cognitive ability, personality and occupational interest psychometric assessments.

Title of Keynote: Talent Management and Development in Public Organisations: Quo Vadis? 

Professor Mina Beigi

Professor Mina Beigi

Professor Mina Beigi is a Professor of Career Studies at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton and Co-Director of Work Futures Research Centre. Mina studies work-nonwork interface, career success, and understudied careers using in-depth qualitative methodologies. She is the Associate Editor of Human Relations and has served as the Associate Editor of Human Resource Development Review (2017-2020).

Title of Keynote: HRD: A Career Community that Cares

Professor Kim Nimon

Professor Kim Nimon

Professor Kim Nimon, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Human Resource Development (HRD) at The University of Texas at Tyler as well as Director of the Office of Research and Scholarship Research Design and Data Analysis Lab. Dr. Nimon’s areas of expertise are in workforce development and analytical methodologies. She is Co-PI on a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant and serves as External Evaluator for two other NSF grants. She has published extensively in refereed journals including American Journal of Evaluation, Frontiers in Psychology, Human Resources Quarterly, Multivariate Behavioral Research, and Organizational Research Methods. Dr. Nimon has made over 100 refereed presentations for international and national scholarly organizations and was presented the Early Career Scholar Award and the Outstanding HRD Scholar Award by the Academy of Human Resource Development.

In 2019, she was included in the ranking of the world’s most cited researchers and those who were among the top 2% of more than six million scientists worldwide within their specialty. She also holds patents from both the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and Canada Intellectual Property Office. Dr. Nimon has held leadership positions in professional organizations including the American Educational Research Association, Academy Professor Kim Nimon of Human Resource Development, and the Southwestern Educational Research Association. Kim is former editor of Human Resource Development Quarterly and lead author of the that package.

Title of Keynote: Navigating Employee Engagement amidst the Great Resignation.